Cultivate Cultural Agility !
The Program
“Management International – Cultural Agility” is designed for all people who want to become quickly operational across several cultures (or remotely, with multicultural teams). Adapted to all managerial and commercial situations, this training allows you to be convincing and effective in your interactions with your foreign contacts, whether they be your teams, your managers, your customers or your business partners.
With our partner, CultureConnector, GPS offers participants access to an online cultural profiling platform, through which they can discover their profile around 12 cultural dimensions based on 36 questions. Participants will also be able to compare their profiles to other cultures and benefit from personalized advice.
This training is built using a systemic methodology, dedicated to the challenges faced by managers working in an international environment: convincing and getting things done. An experiential and participatory approach aimed at optimizing exchanges and allowing everyone to develop according to their own needs, associating:
- Workshops and group reflections, to promote discussion and practice
- Personal profiles and reflections, to optimize individual implementation
- Learning partner (pair) throughout the day, to personalize learning
The facilitation is highly inclusive and interactive, incorporating codevelopment sequences that allow participants to think deeply about specific issues, to share experiences and best practices.